Saturday, May 08, 2004

I'm becoming like my father, and I'm guessing like your father too

I just finished mowing the lawn. And like seemingly all males in white suburbs (maybe all suburbs...maybe all males), I did so shirtless. What is it about mowing the lawn that suggests to the average suburbanite, who may have a bit of sag and or paunch to offer passersby, that now, now is the moment to un-shirt. Now before the dog walkers, the whiffle ball players, and the garage sale attendees, now before the bike riders, and the lemonade selling children...provide these people what is their right, let them see a semi-ugly white guy with bits of grass glued to his chest and back. Then upon completion shall he rest, and drink shitty beer, quickly putting back on the shirt he so brazenly tossed aside.

A final question, if it were more socially appropriate (ie, not illegal) would women who mow lawns do this? Is the appeal more to do with yardwork, or with some socially acceptable time when white guys in the 'burbs can get a little tanner?

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