Sunday, May 09, 2004

Go West, young man, and grow up with the country.

So tomorrow I head West. Not all the way, just 20+ hours left from Ohio. Fort Collins, I'm told, by Gray isn't really the West, that's nomenclature describing Montana and Wyonming. It sure seems like the West from here.

Go West, young man, and grow up with the country. I don't feel terribly young, or all that much like a man. Though, I guess I'm as old as I've ever been. But the advice seems fine, all the same. A bit over noble for what is essentially just another job, but the senitment is maybe only wrong by a half-measure.

It'll be interesting to see how many more times I can do this. Pack everything, move to a new place, and work as hard as my health will allow. JKD tells me "you're a campaigner, it's who you are, it's what you do." And he's not wrong. I never want to disappoint. So we'll see. I'm ready for at least this one. And we'll take the next as it comes.

I'll not be posting to this as I drive (because I'm not god-like, or that obsessive). Not sure how soon after I arrive I'll have access to the internet.

I'm off. I've already decided that if I get any staff, I'll finish every call with "Go forth and do good." Just seems right.

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