Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Circle the Wagons in '08

I've said it before: The race against Norm Coleman in 2008 is going to be un-be-fucking-lievable. First, I think that many of the old Wellstone folks who are further battle hardened and no less pissed off will return. Then a lot of the new friends of the Wellstoners will want to help (the JKDs, Buffys, Phil Jameses, Rodd McLeods, Tanners, Emmets, Brians, Emilys?, Mahoods?, Matts Baldwisons?, are likely to rock out). I joked on the Dean campaign that the 2008 race will feature former field directors in canvasser roles because we'll be that jacked. Like the fucking Western Conference All-Star team of political campaigns.

I think I'll want to be there. I think that could be fun. Sounds as though Al Franken is seriously considering running for the seat. I'd like to work for him. Short, articulate, progressive, Jewish, former wrestler, not a native Minnesotan but loves it dearly--sounds good, and familiar.

There is also a State Senator, Mee Moua for whom I would work. She is the first Hmong elected to a legislative body in the country. Progressive, bright, feisty, passionate about grassroots activism, big Wellstone fan.

It promises to be a huge race. Gotta find a way to get on that one.

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