Friday, May 21, 2004

Good and Bad

Good news and bad news.

First the bad.

We had our first canvass last night. I am, for some reason, made much more uncomfortable walking than I am running. I cannot understand this, but I can play frisbee for hours, but a long walk really hurts my joints. I have to imagine it's in my head...but all the same. The walk went well. Got lots of people at home, some friendly, others not as much.

I cut off part of the top of my index finger. I realize that that sounds worse than it is. But I do have a sizable divot out of the first nuckle on my first finger. When you are chopping/cutting you're supposed to tuck your fingers under and expose only the nuckle to the blade. I did this, sadly I exposed the nuckle to the blade directly. Bled a fair bit. But I'm bandaged, so all is well. Wonder what it'll look like when it heals.

The Good.

We had our first canvass last night. My candidate is great at the door, and full of energy.
I now have a campaign phone.
I now have cable tv and internet at home

I went for a run and saw prairie dogs. Honest to god prairie dogs. Little furry animals with holes in the ground out of which they "pop" and peer. My new running area is near my apartment. It butts up against a large cliff/hill/mountain, and traces a route around this shallow lake. The area is surrounded on three sides by prairie. Kind of a neat place to run.

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