Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I'm heading over to Ann's for this evening's State of the Union. I've learned to expect little from these affairs (SOTU's not Ann's parties).

Last year I made up a drinking game with words I expected, and didn't expect to hear in the SOTU. This year, Brian did the same. We exchanged lists and he suggested I post mine here. So here you go, my State of the Union drinking list. My apologies if following this list either gets you very drunk or not at all.

1 Shot words
Addiction to foreign oil Bipartisan
Border Carbon
Culture of life Democracy
Ethanol Freedom/Free People
Global warming Greenhouse gasses
Iran Nuclear
Shiite Stem cell
Sunni Surge
Surveillance Syria

2 Shot words
Clinton (either)Ethics
God (apart from God bless America) Hurricane Katrina
John McCain Legacy
Palestine September 11
Spying Terrorist
Wire TappingCorruption
Gerald Ford Humble
Joe Lieberman Minimum Wage
Pelosi Snowflake Babies
Terror Warrant

10 Shot Words
Addiction to cocaineDick Cheney shot a man in Reno just to watch him die
Hugo Chavez Iraq Study Group
Macaca Mary Cheney’s Baby
Osama Bin Laden Sunni Delight
VietnamAl Gore
Don RumsfeldHis father
Inconvenient TruthJack Abramoff
Make a joke about InSURGEntsMichael J. Fox
Scooter LibbyTri-partisan

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