Friday, December 22, 2006

Bring me a photo of a pigeon and a shrubbery.

The Communications Director for Montana's Congressman Denny Rehberg was busted for trying to solicit hackers to break into TCU and change his undergraduate grades.

The best part of the entire story is reading the emails between the parties. The web site posted the entire back and forth. The site hosts pretended to be hackers and carried on the conversation with Todd Shriber for 22 emails. My favorite email is where they demand that he send them a photo of a pigeon:
"1. A picture of a squirrel or pigeon on your campus. One close-up, one with background that shows buildings, a sign, or something to indicate you are standing on the campus."

Eventually Shriber, after borrowing a friend's camera responds:
"I hope these work, there's no pigeons, but some of other birds and a couple with a squirrel."

I only wish they'd demanded a shrubbery from him.

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