Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Extra Vaganza

When I was a senior in college I was walking into the dining hall and saw a giant chalking glaring up at me from the sidewalk. In boldly drawn letters it said "Extra Vaganza" It's unclear if the additional spacing was intentional or not. But I for one truly believe we could all use some extra vaganza from time to time.

I got bored today, and in an effort to force gmail to allow me to use it I created a second blog (figuring if I got offered access once with Where is My Mind, I'd get offered again and again with 2 blogs). Struggling to think of a pithy name for blog two, I settled on Extra-vaganza---a reference to the above anecdote. I don't think I'll be posting to the other blog, but I thought the story and its recurrence in my daily consciousness was funny, if not noteworthy.

So I have two blogs--maybe the second will be for my racier thoughts, the ribaldry that dares not surface on such a pristine and staid blog as this. Or maybe I will use it to talk smack about other people. Who knows.

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