Monday, July 26, 2004


Unbelievable. MSNBC has an online poll asking whom viewers think will likely give the best speech at the convention
Who will give the best speech at the Democratic convention?

Ted Kennedy
Teresa Heinz
John Kerry
John Edwards
Max Cleland
Jimmy Carter
Bill Clinton
Al Gore
Hillary Clinton
Bill Richardson
Jane Napolitano
Jim Rassman
Elizabeth Edwards
Christie Vilsack

Alright, what on earth is this list. Barack Obama is speaking...not on the list. If Christie Vilsack is a better speaker than Obama I'll eat a house. She's not supposed to be's not her job. Same thing--Elizabeth Edwards, but no Howard Dean. GHD is going to bring his A-game. I wish, and know it won't happen, that he'd bring the What I Wanna Know speech. I'm guessing he won't.

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